In 2024, we will be reading together through 260 key passages of the Bible in order to see God’s story of redemption played out from cover to cover.

Why go through the Bible in a year?
An author once said, “Everything in Scripture is either preparation for the Gospel, presentation of the Gospel, or participation in the Gospel.” (Dave Harvey) But the gospel centrality of Scripture can be lost when we can’t see how God’s plan has been revealed through time. When we read through Scripture in a year, we can more easily see how He prepared His people, presented the gospel in Jesus Christ, and then taught His Church to participate by living that gospel out.

Why only 260 passages?
We chose a condensed reading plan in order to help as many people as we can to follow the redemptive arc of Scripture in a year. Some have already read through the Bible in a year, but many others have begun with good intentions only to fall too far behind to finish. We hope that by selecting a reduced plan, many of those who were frustrated in previous years will be successful, leading to deeper reading in years to come. If you want to read through the other chapters not included in the F260 plan, you can download the ‘F260 supplement’ (coming soon) to read through the additional sections.

You can download PHBC’s reading plans here:

F260 plan for adults | F260 for families | F260 for very young children | F260 supplement

What will Sundays cover?
Each Sunday, the sermon will cover a passage from the previous week’s readings, which means by following along, you will be familiar with the upcoming sermon’s focus.